Name:   Karen Trifilio

Birthday:  June 18th

Grade teaching for the 2023/2024 school year: Early Childhood OT

Do you have any dietary restrictions/allergies: No

Starbucks Coffee order: iced Caramel Macchiato with skim milk

Sonic Order: Tropical Colada slush

Music:  Country and 80’s classics

Television show: Survivor

Collect anything: no but love seasonal decorations and don’t typically buy them

Candy: Reese’s, mints, gum, Lifesavers

Drink: Diet Pepsi or diet Cherry Pepsi

Color: Purple

Restaurant: Jersey Mike’s, Viking’s pizza, Frankie’s, chicken salad chic, love to try new local restaurants

Store for yourself: Target, Kohl’s, Maurice’s, Bath and body works

Hobbies: spending time with my 3 kids

Disney Character:


Dessert: cupcakes, cookies

Snack: Pretzels, Takis (nacho flavor), cheese

Flower: sunflowers

Movies: comedy/drama

Holiday: All holidays

Season: spring and summer

Sports Teams: Chicago cubs   recently getting into TN teams

Books/Authors: true crime and suspense novels

What do you do to relax: spend time with kids

Vacation spot: back to Illinois to visit friends

Lotions/Fragrances/Candles: fruity and floral scents

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Italy