Name: Allison Ragan

Birthday: May 16th 

Grade/Position for the 2024/2025 school year: Reading/Math Interventionist

Do you have any dietary restrictions/allergies: No

Starbucks Coffee order: Chai Latte

Sonic Order: Unsweet tea with peach

Music: –

Television show: –

Collect anything: Black Lab

Candy: Peanut Butter M&M’s

Drink: Diet Coke

Color: Orange

Restaurant: Tito’s

Store for yourself: J.Crew Factory

Hobbies: bike riding

Disney Character: Ariel

Magazine: –

Dessert: anything peanut butter & chocolate

Snack: Cheez-its (all kinds!)

Flower: Hydrangeas

Movies: –

Holiday: Christmas & Easter

Season: Fall

Sports Teams: Mississippi State bulldogs, Titans

Books/Authors: Mystery

What do you do to relax: read

Vacation spot: beach

Lotions/Fragrances/Candles: Crisp Linen candles

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Greece