Name: Julia Marshall
Birthday: January 18th
Grade/Position for the 2024/2025 school year: 2nd Grade Teacher
Do you have any dietary restrictions/allergies: I am lactose intolerant and allergic to garlic.
Starbucks Coffee order: Black coffee
Sonic Order: Sweet tea
Music: big band jazz, classical
Television show: ~
Collect anything: ~
Candy: dark chocolate
Drink: sweet tea
Color: blue and white
Restaurant: Panera, Chick- Fil-A
Store for yourself: HomeGoods
Hobbies: Cooking and reading
Disney Character: ~
Dessert: Cookies
Snack: apples, nuts
Flower: hydrangea
Movies: old westerns
Holiday: Thanksgiving, Easter
Season: Fall
Sports Teams: Ole Miss, Clemson
Books/Authors: Laura Frantz
What do you do to relax: walking, reading, genealogy
Vacation spot: Charleston, Savannah
Lotions/Fragrances/Candles: light scent
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Great Britain