Name: Swathi Kalikai

Birthday: May 17th

Grade teaching for the 2024/2025 school year: SSS TA

Dietary Restrictions/Allergies: No

Starbucks Order: Chai Latte

Sonic Order: Caramel Classic Shake and Fries


Television Show: Comedy Shows

Collect Anything:

Candy: Dark Chocolate

Drink: Coke

Color: Red

Store for Yourself: Kohl’s, Tommy Hilfiger

Hobbies: Gardening, watching TV, Cooking

Disney Character: Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck


Dessert: Cake

Snack: Popcorn

Flower: Rose


Holiday: Thanksgiving

Season: Spring

Sports Teams:


What do you do to Relax: Walking, Gardening, Playing Volleyball

Vacation Spot: Disney

Lotions/Fragrances/Candles: Lavender

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Paris