Name: Lakshmi Vikram

Birthday: May 8th

Grade teaching for the 2023/2024 school year: SSS~TA

Do you have any dietary restrictions/allergies: Nope

Starbucks Coffee order: Chocolate Frappuccino

Sonic Order: Mango Slush

Music: Pop

Television show: Mr. Bean shows, Criminal Minds, The Blacklist

Collect anything: Seashells

Candy: Any Dark chocolate

Drink: Iced Coffee

Color: Blue and Black

Restaurant: Chipotle and Starbucks

Store for yourself: Marshall and Amazon

Hobbies: Oil pastel drawing, jewelry making, baking

Disney Character: Elsa

Magazine: Women’s Health

Dessert: Chocolate Ice-cream

Snack: Trail Mix

Flower: Red Roses, Tulips

Movies: Christmas Holiday Movies

Holiday: Christmas

Season: Winter

Sports Teams:

Books/Authors: Any health related books

What do you do to relax: Watching Tv

Vacation spot: Destin Beach, Florida

Lotions/Fragrances/Candles: Rose and Vanilla scented candles.