Name: Teri Schelin
Birthday: March 7th
Grade/Position for the 2024/2025 school year: SSS~TA
Do you have any dietary restrictions/allergies: Coconut
Starbucks Coffee order: Carmel Frap/Chocolate anything
Sonic Order: Vanilla or chocolate milk shake
Music: 80s 90s rock
Television show: NA
Collect anything: any Holiday decorations
Candy: Peanut M&Ms
Color: RED
Restaurant: Mexican or Chick-Fil-A
Store for yourself: Hobby Lobby
Hobbies: Crafting and painting
Disney Character: NA
Magazine: NA
Dessert: Chocolate chocolate chocolate
Snack: Pringles
Flower: Rose
Movies: NA
Holiday: Halloween
Season: Spring
Sports Teams: USC Trojans
Books/Authors: NA
What do you do to relax: crafting
Vacation spot: Beach side
Lotions/Fragrances/Candles: Vanilla or clean sheets/cotton
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? ITALY again