Name: Rich Mahon

Birthday: February 25th

Grade teaching for the 2023/2024 school year: PE K-5

Do you have any dietary restrictions/allergies: Nope

Starbucks Coffee order: None

Sonic Order: Double Cheeseburger with Jalapeno Cheddar Poppers

Music: Country

Television show: Yellowstone

Collect anything: Motorcycles

Candy: Anything Reese’s

Drink: Dr. Pepper

Color: Down Under Blue

Restaurant: Salvo’s Pizza

Store for yourself: Harley Davidson

Hobbies: Weight Training

Disney Character: None

Magazine: Flex

Dessert: None

Snack: Pepperoni

Flower: Cayman Sage

Movies: We are Marshall

Holiday: All

Season: Summer

Sports Teams: Bengals/Reds

Books/Authors: George R. Martin – Dan Brown

What do you do to relax: Nap

Vacation spot: Florida

Lotions/Fragrances/Candles: none

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Australia