Name: Lyndsey Todd

Birthday: April 6th

Grade teaching for the 2023/2024 school year: 5th grade

Do you have any dietary restrictions/allergies: nope

Starbucks Coffee order: Chia Tea

Sonic Order: Diet Coke

Music: All

Television show: I like everything, but Friends is still my favorite

Collect anything: University of Kentucky stuff

Candy: M&M

Drink: Diet Mountain Dew

Color: Purple or Blue

Restaurant: Mexican from anywhere.

Store for yourself: Target/Amazon

Hobbies: Reading

Disney Character: Not sure

Magazine: People

Dessert: Anything 

Snack: Popcorn

Flower: Anyone except Lilies (I am allergic)

Movies: Love almost anything except scary

Holiday: Christmas

Season: Spring

Sports Teams: University of Kentucky

Books/Authors: Anyone, I love to read

What do you do to relax: Read or swim

Vacation spot: the Beach

Lotions/Fragrances/Candles: Vanilla

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?