Name: Nidhi Goyal
Birthday: September 10th
Grade teaching for the 2024/2025 school year: EC TA
Do you have any dietary restrictions/allergies: N/A
Starbucks Coffee order: Cappuccino
Sonic Order: Hash Brown
Music: Hip Hop, Rock
Television show: SWAT
Collect anything: Coins
Candy: Sour Patch, Dairy Mills
Drink: Green Tea
Color: Rainbow
Restaurant: Cava
Store for yourself:
Hobbies: Painting, Dancing, Music, Volunteering
Disney Character: Elsa
Dessert: Pound Cake
Snack: Dani Duri
Flower: Rose
Holiday: Christmas, Diwali
Season: All of them
Sports Teams:
Books/Authors: Amish
What do you do to relax: Listen to music
Vacation spot: Hill area
Lotions/Fragrances/Candles: French Vanilla
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Switzerland