Name: Rachel Preston
Birthday: August 18th
Grade teaching for the 2024/2025 school year: SSS TA
Dietary Restrictions/Allergies: None
Starbucks Order: Mocha Frappe with Whip, Caramel Macchiato
Sonic Order: Cherry Limeade
Music: John Mayer, Chris Stapleton
Television Show: Friends
Collect Anything: Frogs, Plants
Candy: Reese’s Cups/Pieces, LifeSaver Duo Gummies, Sour Patch Watermelon, Strawberries
Drink: Dr. Pepper
Color: Purple
Restaurant: Tito’s, Chipotle
Store for Yourself: Marshall’s
Hobbies: Flowers, Houseplants
Disney Character: Dopey
Magazine: US Weekly
Dessert: any
Snack: Bold Chex Mix, Cheez-Its
Flower: Gladiola
Movies: Romantic Comedies
Holiday: any
Season: Fall
Books/Authors: Colleen Hoover, Freida McFaden, any romantic or psychological thriller
What do you do to Relax: Hammock Swing
Vacation Spot: Beach
Lotions/Fragrances/Candles: Fruit, Holiday (no vanilla)
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Paris