Name: Saszha Solis
Birthday: April 30th
Grade/Position for the 2024/2025 school year: Early Childhood Teacher
Do you have any dietary restrictions/allergies: I am a vegan!
Starbucks Coffee order: sugar free vanilla latte with coconut milk (Christmas time-peppermint mocha with coconut milk)
Sonic Order: –
Music: Americana, Christian, classic rock, country
Television show: Friends
Collect anything: magnets and postcards from states/country
Candy: Dark chocolate (vegan)
Drink: water/tea
Color: pink
Restaurant: Thai, American, Japanese
Store for yourself: Amazon/Kohl’s
Hobbies: workout, dance, sing, cook/bake
Disney Character: Winnie the Pooh
Magazine: cooking
Dessert: ice cream, brownies, chocolate chip cookies
Snack: pretzels, nuts, fruits
Flower: Roses and carnations
Movies: Jurassic Park, Harry Potter movies, Independence Day, Hocus Pocus, Disney movies
Holiday: Thanksgiving and Christmas
Season: Fall/Spring
Sports Teams: –
Books/Authors: Pastor Rick Warren, Jay Shetty
What do you do to relax: workout/listen to meditation music/daily devotional-prayer time
Vacation spot: beach, go fishing
Lotions/Fragrances/Candles: eucalyptus, passion fruit, spearmint, vanilla, cucumber melon
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Go back to Fiji and Australia, go travel Europe