Name: Jill Bramble

Birthday: January 15th     

Grade/Position for the 2024/2025 school year: 4th Grade Teacher Math & Science

Do you have any dietary restrictions/allergies: no

Starbucks Coffee order:  Hot Chocolate

Sonic Order:  Sweet Tea

Music: Country

Television show: N/A

Collect anything: No

Candy: None

Drink:  Milo’s sweet tea

Color: Pink

Restaurant:  Texas Roadhouse, Pizza Hut,  Chick Fil A, Longhorn 

Store for yourself: Marshalls 

Hobbies:  Crafts

Disney Character:  None

Magazine:  None

Dessert:  None

Snack:  oranges

Flower:  none

Movies:  My son and I love to go to the Movie Theater together. 

Holiday:  Christmas

Season:  Fall

Sports Teams: none

Books/Authors:  Any children’s books

What do you do to relax:  Go to Marshalls 

Vacation spot:  Destin

Lotions/Fragrances/Candles:  none

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?  FL on the beach…simple but true.