Name: Jennifer Wiencek
Birthday: November 14th
Grade/Position for the 2024/2025 school year: 1st Grade Teacher
Do you have any dietary restrictions/allergies: None
Starbucks Coffee order: Café’ Americano hot or iced- 2 pumps of sugar free vanilla, splash of cream
Sonic Order: Half Cut Sweet Tea
Music: ALL MUSIC! Seriously… I love music and love all genres!
Television show: I love MANY diff. shows! Old favs are Friends & The Office
Collect anything: Anything Tennessee Titans
Candy: Mounds Bar, Peanut M&M’s, Peanut Butter M&M’s
Drink: Coffee!!! Also, tea… hot teas too!
Color: PINK
Restaurant: Mexican Restaurants (Acapulco, Tito’s, & Don Arturo’s), Texas Roadhouse, Jason’s Deli & Taco Bell
Store for yourself: Marshall’s
Hobbies: Watching movies, kayaking, running, traveling, spending time with family, and SHOPPING!
Disney Character: Stitch
Magazine: ~
Dessert: Pies (coconut, lemon and key lime are favs)
Snack: Fritos (Honey Twisted BBQ & Chili Cheese), Nuts, Dark Chocolate, etc.
Flower: All flowers and plants. Love!!!
Movies: I LOVE WATCHING MOVIES and going to the theater! Comedies are my fav!
Holiday: Christmas
Season: Summer, but I also love fall.
Sports Teams: Tennessee Titans!!! (UT Vols for college)
Books/Authors: I read a lot and love audiobooks like Amazon Audible.
What do you do to relax: Take baths
Vacation spot: The Beach.. any beach!
Lotions/Fragrances/Candles: I Love candles! (especially fruity and fall scents)
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Any Tropical Island