Name: Jen Magochy

Birthday: May 30th

Grade teaching for the 2024/2025 school year: Teacher Assistant-3rd grade

Dietary Restrictions/Allergies: None

Starbucks Order: French Vanilla Iced Coffee

Sonic Order: Cherry Limeade

Music: Country

Television Show: Alone

Collect Anything: Rosary Beads

Candy: Dove Milk Chocolate

Drink: LaCroix Limoncello

Color: Light Purple

Restaurant: Mexican

Store for Yourself: Home Goods, Target

Hobbies: Running, Hiking, Spending time with Family

Disney Character: Bluey

Magazine: None

Dessert: Chocolate Ice Cream with Sprinkles

Snack: Kettle Corn

Flower: Tulip

Movies: None

Holiday: 4th of July and Christmas

Season: Summer

Sports Teams: Titans, Vols, Preds

Books/Authors: Thrillers

What do you do to Relax: Read, Go on Vacation

Vacation Spot: Beach

Lotions/Fragrances/Candles: Eucalyptus

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Anywhere Tropical