Name: Olivia Lucas

Birthday: September 3rd

Grade teaching for the 2024/2025 school year: EC OT

Do you have any dietary restrictions/allergies: None

Starbucks Coffee order: Cafe Latte

Sonic Order: ~
Music: Classic Rock

Television show: Community

Collect anything: Books

Candy: Sour Gummies

Drink: Hot Tea

Color: Dark Green

Restaurant: Greko

Store for yourself:

Target, Madewell, HomeGoods

Hobbies: Reading & Hiking

Disney Character: ~

Magazine: ~
Dessert: Brownies

Snack: Dark Chocolate Almonds & Cheez-It

Flower: Craspedia’s
Movies: ~

Holiday: St. Patrick’s

Season: Autumn

Sports Teams: ~
Books/Authors: George Saunders & Jon Krakauer

What do you do to relax: Read, Hike, & Crafts

Vacation spot: Grand Tetons

Lotions/Fragrances/Candles: Hempz Pumpkin Spice and Vanilla lotion, Illume Terra Tabac Candle

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Greece for a Mama Mia party.