Name: Donna Wood
Birthday: March 23rd
Grade/Position for the 2024/2025 school year: 2nd Grade Teacher ELA
Do you have any dietary restrictions/allergies: no
Starbucks Coffee order: I don’t drink coffee but I like fruity lemonade or teas
Sonic Order: soft pretzel and a pb cup Sonic Blast
Music: Country
Television show: Netflix (but only winter months)
Collect anything: sharpies, bracelets, plants
Candy: anything and everything! Sweet and Sour
Drink: H2O
Color: Green- any shade
Restaurant: anyplace with the freshest guacamole
Store for yourself: any boutiques or farmhouse style shops, Amazon too
Hobbies: crafting, hiking, family time
Disney Character: n/a
Magazine: Magnolia
Dessert: anything lemon or key lime
Snack: Trail Mix
Flower: mixed bouquet
Movies: anything about family and a happy ending
Holiday: Birthdays
Season: Summer
Sports Teams: We bleed crimson! Roll Tide
Books/Authors: anything with rich history
What do you do to relax: make jewelry
Vacation spot: beach or mountains
Lotions/Fragrances/Candles: Coconut, Linen or Patchouli
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? I love the USA so a big trip out west.